If you’re just starting to follow along, this month is human trafficking awareness month. It’s a cause we passionately stand behind. If you have a child or know a child, we believe the issue is worth investigating, or at least better understanding. This week we want to introduce a film to you based in Tillage Clothing’s hometown of San Diego, CA.


“Stolen: A Documentary” goes behind the scenes of true stories of survivors. This link will take you right to it: https://bit.ly/3FeSF7s.Warning, you’ll learn the frightening realities of how close trafficking can be to you and those you love. However, the watch is equally enlightening and empowering. We’d love to hear your thoughts, so feel free to leave a comment or send an email to abby@tillageclothing.com


As our mission this year shifts slightly to “empowering human trafficking survivors to thrive,” the content of this film impacts us greatly as well. We are constantly learning and growing on the issue and the best ways to confront it as well.

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